Sor Ottorino Falugi

Among the prominent personalities of Rivalto we like a particular mention for "Il Signorino" (the little gentleman) as it was called the Sor Ottorino Falugi (1891-1963), son of Domenico and Goffreda, landowner, great viveur and lover of the pleasures of life, life adventurous and reveler, but at the same time great munificent benefactor, prodigal of favors and aid to anyone in need.

As a "single" which he was, he loved to gather around the fireside of his cuisine the youth of Rivalto, in good company to pass the long and cold winter evenings or the hot summer afternoons "al Campo" (the Field), his summer residence, under the shade of lime and plane trees.

He offered to young people the beautiful room with fresco on the walls and ceiling for parties and dances.

He did not spared a ride in his "Fiat Topolino" car to anyone was in need and often took in Pontedera or Pisa the priest at the time, that gesture, jokingly, to the imposing figure and since the priest wore a black cassock, he told how "I gave a ride in the car to a bale of coal".
Fearless driver, not only of cars, but also of sidecar, he was never discouraged in front at nothing. Once, on the way back from Volterra, the exchange of his "Topolino" broke: no doubts for the Sor Ottorino that grafted the only available gear, the reverse one, he drove all the way up to Rivalto in reverse.

The Sor Ottorino was also a hard smoker when, one day, during a sudden fit of coughing, a child of the village in all his spontaneity told him "Go on like this and you will die in two or three days". From that day the Sor Ottorino does not quit smoking but always he met again that child surprised him by saying "See guy that I am still alive!".

Particular and funny the plaque affixed to the front door of his building, located in Piazza della Compagnia, which read:

"A chi porta, porta aperta.
Porta chiusa a chi non porta.
Ma durante l'ora dei pasti,
porta chiusa anche a chi porta."

("To one who brings, the door is open. 
The door is closed to whom does not bring. 
But during mealtimes,
the door is closed even to those who bring.")

because he did not want to be bothered during meals and preferred to enjoy them in peace, the delicacies prepared by his trusted cook.