Peasant Festival 2017 - Rivalto under the stars...

As almost every year the long-awaited Night of San Lorenzo (Saint Lawrence) has won against the bad weather!
After a violent rainstorm in the afternoon, clear weather and a bit of coolness have prevailed across the Rivalto’s alleys, decorated with white banners at the windows, for the unmissable summer appointment of the Night of San Lorenzo, Rivalto in Feast under the stars for the traditional Peasant Festival where "senza lilleri, 'un si lallera" (without money, no fun).

As with all the past years, the absolute protagonists tomato soup (the tuscan "pappa al pomodoro"), cabbage soup (the tuscan "zuppa di cavolo"), fried polenta, pasta with wildboar sauce, bread and grilled sausages, tripe (the italian "trippa"), sweet waffles with cream (the tuscan "nozze" that translated in italian means "wedding"), pancakes of wheat flour (the tuscan "migliecci"), dried biscuits with almonds (the tuscan “cantuccini”), local red wine and new surprises like artisan beer, aperitifs, cocktails, pizza, pasta, fresh fruit ... so much enjoyment, music, dancing, conviviality and suggestive views to please all the faithful and the new visitors, including the international ones.

For the event, even the ex ACLI club, historical point of reference for the associations of Rivalto, was dressed up thanks to the restructuring and refurbishment of local volunteers.
