The Festival of Peaches and Wine

The Festival of Peaches and Wine, although lasted only a few seasons, was a great event of Rivalto for the promotion of local products.

At the time, the production of peaches and wine was widespread.

The quality of peaches of Rivalto was called "the Berta", a great quality, typical for the ease to split in half with the hands, by separating the pulp from the core and, for this reason, called "spicchiarella" (or "spaccarella" that means splittable in segments). Depending on the time of peaches maturation there were the "Berta before", sweetest, and the "Berta second".

The cellars of Rivalto were at those times in full production, the grape harvest became an opportunity to appeal to all the family members who cooperated at harvest, de-stemming and crushing grapes.

The event, inaugurated in August 1957 by the newly formed Pro Loco of Chianni, was held in the Pinewood of Poggiopiano, in front of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Carmine, where banquets were put for sale and exhibition of boxes of peaches and bottles of wine.

In addition to the sale of local products, it was a call for competition between farmers and wine producers of the Municipality of Chianni and, on a jury made up of representatives of various provincial associations related to the world of agriculture, was awarded, or the top three winners, a cash prize which ranged from five to fifteen thousand of italian lire.
Participation was attested by the delivery of a certificate of participation, such as the one below.